Chimneys - Articles and Information
Independent Surveyors
Our highly qualified independent surveyors can offer you advice on chimneys and many other property problems. If you are moving house or having any property issues then an independent Surveyor can provide a comprehensive survey report on a building whether that be residential or commercial. We can prepare a schedule of condition and property report in relation to your lease. We also carry out dilaps reports for landlords or tenants.
We are more than happy to email you example surveys.
Please free phone us on 0800 298 5424 for a friendly chat.
We have produced a couple of articles about typical problems with chimneys, covering issues about common problems with chimneys, how to access chimneys and whether you need scaffolding to do so:
Common Chimney Problems
Accessing Chimneys - Do I need Scaffolding?
You may also be interested in the following articles:
Structural Cracking
Repairing Cracks
Structural Reports
Estimating Building Costs
Information on Engineers Reports Specific Defects Reports
Dampness Articles
If you would like to talk to a surveyor or engineer about any structural problems or problems with the chimneys at your property please phone 0800 298 5424 for a friendly chat. It may be that you require an engineer's report.
The photos and sketches, circles and ovals in our reports
We use throughout our survey reports to make them as clear as possible many photographs. If we do not think this explains the problem clearly we also add in one of our unique sketches. We literally have commissioned hundreds of our own survey sketches developed over many years depicting property issues.
We also use circles and ovals on our photographs and sketches to emphasise problem areas so that you are not left wondering where the problem is like this example below highlighting a rendered chimney with moss.
An example of one of our photos |
An example of one of our sketches |
Our articles
We hope you find these articles of use and if you have any experiences that you feel should be added to this list of articles that would benefit others, or you feel that some of the information that we have put is wrong then please do not hesitate to contact us (we are only human).
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