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Review on the question ofShould I lease a Grade II ListedBuilding or not?
Independent Building SurveyorsIf you are in the process of purchasing or leasing a commercial property can provide help and advice on whether to take on a lease on a retail shop and l ook at other options together with a Schedule of Condition to protect you. We are experienced with regard to all commercial property types and can offer Schedules of Condition with regard to leases, Property Reports, Schedules of Dilapidations, Section 18 Valuations, Scott Schedules, Commercial Building Surveys, Structural Reports and Specific Defects Reports . Please Free phone us on 0800 298 5424 to discuss any property matters. Free phone 0800 298 5424The Schedule of Condition
Location, location, location
Footfall defined This is the number of people that walk past the shop and are likely to spend money.
Meeting the client during the building survey helps everyoneWe always try and meet the client at the property that we are surveying and again afterwards for a cup of tea and a discussion with them about taking on the lease or buying the building. We also discuss their business and other options that are available to them both with the surveyed property and other surrounding buildings that are available to lease or buy. In this particular instance we went for a walk around the area and looked at other retail property options where they explained a bit more about their business and we explained a bit more about property. They were nice enough to tell us that they had learned a lot from us during the time spent with them that will help them both with this property and with others in the future.
We will help you look at other options that are available and may be better for you?
Tertiary retail sector defined The tertiary retail sector is the area which is a step away from the main and secondary shopping areas possibly on the outskirts of a secondary retail area or perhaps on the periphery of a shopping arcade or in a poor area with regard to passing traffic. These areas can be good for destination retail.
A Full Repairing and Insuring lease or FRI should not be taken on light heartedlyThe reason the lease should not be taken on lightly is because if the client decided to go ahead and move premises it involved them taking on a Full Repairing and Insuring lease or FRI which has various obligations which not only has the benefit of allowing you to rent the property but it also has various obligations with regard to maintenance and redecoration that should be carried out. We were asked to advise them on this within our building survey and report particularly with regard to the onerous dilapidations liability and also on negotiating the rent. Dilapidations defined Dilapidations come in many forms but as a general generic comment we would say that Dilapidations is a list of the repair issues in a property as set out within the lease (note not as the condition that you took the property on unless a Schedule of Condition is appended to the lease).
Characteristics and problems with the propertyWhilst we are a great believer that all properties have good points it has to be said that most properties have bad points too and also some that we term as ugly points in our Good, Bad & Ugly Executive Summary within our reports. These ugly points usually mean we would not recommend leasing or indeed buying the property. In this particular instance the property was a Grade II Listed Georgian building. This meant not only was it very old but it could have (and did) a number of problems associated with a building of this age. Damp was the main issue and was getting into the building in several ways including via the box gutter and also via the basement.
As the building had suffered from a lack of maintenance over the years we advised the client of the work that needed to be carried out on the property both in the short term to allow them to transfer the business into it and actively trade from it and also the type of work that a dilapidations served on them at the end of the lease may require. In this case there were only a few years left on the lease.
Leases with very little time left on them.Beware of anyone offering you a lease with very little time left on it, even if it's at a bargain rate or even next to nothing. We have recently dealt with a charity who received what is known as a tail end of a lease and are now very much regretting it as they have now had a six figure dilapidation notice served on them.
What do the circles and ovals mean in our reports?
Our unique sketches to help you understand the survey
Independent Building Surveyors – we are experienced in surveying historic properties and listed propertiesUnlike many Surveyors we are experienced in dealing with historic, Listed Buildings and properties within conservation areas, both commercial and residential. We like to meet you at the property during the survey to explain anything that you do not understand regarding the property and its characteristics. We are also more than happy to talk to you afterwards about the report. Please free phone 0800 298 5424 for a friendly chat with one of our surveyors.
Commercial PropertyIf you are looking for commercial property, whether it is freehold or leasehold, we would always recommend a survey as this will prevent dilapidations claims in the long run. You may wish to look at our Dilapidations Website at and for Disputes go to our Disputes Help site , both of which we have been advised are very helpful! We hope you found the article of use and if you have any experiences that you feel should be added to this article that would benefit others, or you feel that some of the information that we have put is wrong then please do not hesitate to contact us (we are only human). The contents of the web site are for general information only and is not intended to be relied upon for specific or general decisions. Appropriate independent professional advice should be paid for before making such a decision.
Compare our website and compare our surveysPlease feel free to have a look at our website to see for yourself the quality of our website, articles and our Building Survey reports. We pride ourselves on our professional standard and easy to read reports which we have been carrying out for many years on every age, type and style of property across the UK.
Here are a few surveying articles that may be of help to you.
Schedule of Condition on a high street retail property Commercial property - what is a Primary, Seconadry or Tertiary Property?
We can email you examples of our Schedules of ConditionsIf you are thinking of buying a property either leasehold or freehold and are interested in having a building survey carried out please call us on free phone us for a friendly chat on 0800 298 5424. We would be happy to email you several examples of our tailor made Schedules of Conditions, Property Reports or Commercial Building Surveys.
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