What is a Schedule of Condition?
We have experienced, knowledgeable independent building Surveyors that can help with your property questions. Call us on free phone 0800 298 5424 regarding property issues.
What is a Schedule of Condition?
A Schedule of Condition is a record of the condition of a property and helps protect you in many ways mainly against Dilapidations claims.
Free phone 0800 298 5424

What are Dilapidations?
Dilapidations are part of the law that relate to your lease covenant requirements which means you have to give the property back in the condition as stated in the lease. We repeat as stated in the lease not in the condition that you took the property on unless a Schedule of Condition is appended to the lease legally.
What does a Schedule of Condition look like?

Schedule of Condition example
Whatever you do make sure you meet your Surveyor at the property
We always recommend meeting your Surveyor at the property to talk through any property issues. At the property is the best place to talk about property issues, go and meet your Surveyor when they are carrying out the Schedule of Condition for you.
Make sure your Building Surveyor is independent not working for the agent selling the property
As independent Surveyors we work for you and just for you carrying out Schedules of Condition which are designed to protect you against future Dilapidations claims. Our unique systems help make our Schedules of Condition more specific. We are aware that every company today says that they are unique in whatever way, we not only say this but you can see it when you ask for an example of one of our Schedules of Condition seeing how different they are to the standard Schedules of Condition. We also use techniques such as optical zoom photography which is included in the reports next to the problem areas and also use a circle and oval system to identify specific areas of concern as well as worded phrases next to the problem areas. |
Condensation |
What do the circles and ovals mean in our survey reports?
The circles and ovals are a system that we use within our Schedules of Condition to highlight property problem areas so that you are not left wondering what the property problem is. In addition to this if the survey photographs do not we believe explain the problem enough together with our survey report we also add in one of our own survey sketches to explain the property issue further. |
Why have an independent building survey?
Caveat emptor means buyer beware and is why you need to have a Schedule of Condition to find out if there are any property problems within the property; the landlord certainly will not advise you of any property issues.
Remember the building Surveyor that you employ will be the only person working for you with your interests at heart.
Property Reports
As part of carrying out Schedules of Condition we also carry out a Property Report within this we will advise you specifically on the property and any courses of action we recommend. The Schedule of Condition is intended to be attached to the lease and as such it becomes a semi legal document. In the Property Report we explain how we would deal with the property if we were buying the property.
We use definitions in our Property Reports, Schedules of Conditions, Building Surveys, Expert Witness Reports etc such as the definition below:-
What is a Schedule of Condition?
Schedule of Condition defined:
A Schedule of Condition is a report carried out by a Surveyor to record the condition of a property when a lease is entered into. We recommend a Schedule of Condition is appended to the lease with legal advice sought to ensure that the document is legally binding with the landlord.
A Schedule of Condition looks both externally and internally at every aspect of the property detailing its condition and identifying any property problems. Photographs are used to give a photographic record to ensure any property issues are clearly understood.
By having a Schedule of Condition it will help protect a tenant against a future Dilapidations Report which can be very costly on the termination of a lease.
Please see our surveying articles on:-
Beginners guide for tenants on leases
A to Z of Dilapidations
We can email you examples of our Schedules of Condition and Property Reports
If you are interested in having a Schedule of Condition please call us on free phone us for a friendly chat on 0800 298 5424.
We would also be happy to email you some examples of our tailor made reports, Schedules of Condition, Structural Surveys and Property Reports.
We hope you found the article of use and if you have any experiences that you feel should be added to this article that would benefit others, or you feel that some of the information that we have put is wrong then please do not hesitate to contact us (we are only human).
The content of the website is for general information only and is not intended to be relied upon for specific or general decisions. Appropriate independent professional advice should be paid for before making such a decision. Free phone 1stAssociated.co.uk on 0800 298 5424
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